About Us

Welcome to our blog! We're two 13 year old doll lovers. Although we choose to keep our identities safe, we can be known as E & B.

E-  My doll addiction started out in 2006 when I was at a Thanksgiving dinner when my cousin had a Samantha doll. I completely fell in love with it and looked through her catalog. That year, Emily, Molly's friend, debuted. I was ecstatic, considering she had the same name as me. I begged, begged, and begged my mom to get me her for Christmas. Soon enough, Christmas morning came and I saw that long box before the Christmas tree.. at that time I didn't have a clue what it could be, but after ripping through the wrapping paper I saw her. Emily.

My first Dollie!

 She was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. The best part was, she is mine. I didn't know that this would start an amazing epidemic in my life. I now have in my posses ion Emily, Molly, MAG #39, MAG #28, MAG #22, and Ruthie.
     I enjoy to style my dolls hair, come up with new outfits, and make videos with my dolls. My favorite is stop motions. A stop motion is when you take a picture frame by frame and edit it together at a fast pace to make it look like the doll is moving on its own. This type of film making definitely takes the longest, but is quite easy to edit. I can sometimes use up to 5,000 pictures only for a 3 minute video! It is crazy huh? I also like to film music videos, and DIY/ crafting videos. You'll find a lot of crafting and DIY forums. If you have a certain request on a craft you'd like for me

 feature, please just send me an email! You can see all of our contacts in our 'Contact Us' page. I also like to have photoshoots with my dolls. I recently got a Canon EOS Rebel t3 for Christmas and its a great DSLR camera to use for photographing my dolls. I'm a very big believer in outdoor photographing and making my pictures stand out. Hey, I might even right a photography tips forum later on! But anyways, that's about all for now, however, if you have any other questions concerning anything about me, please contact me!


B- Hey doll lovers! My name is B, and I'm so proud to be a writer here at We Are AG! I can't think of a better hobby than to be sharing and blogging about all kinds of AG love, tips, ideas, and advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by visiting the  'Contact Us' page. 

Do you believe in love at first sight? I know I sure do! I absolutely fell head over heels in LOVE with American Girl dolls when I was looking through an AG catalog while visiting a friend's house during the summer of 2006. Skimming through the pages, I couldn't believe how much I had been missing out on. After looking through the catalog, I spent hours talking, talking, and talking to my parents about how much I adored the dolls and wanted one of my own. The next day, I was looking online at the dolls trying to find the 'perfect' match for me, when my mom finally cracked and decided to get me one. I was so ecstatic that I could barely handle myself. After searching and searching, I finally came across a doll that I knew was 'the one'...

While waiting for her to arrive, I started to brainstorm names, I thought of all sorts of names. None of them seemed right. The day before I received my doll, the name Jaycee {pronounced J, C} popped up randomly into my head. I absolutely ADORED it. Without a doubt, I knew that Jaycee would be her name. After several days of extreme waiting {or at least what I thought was extreme waiting}, the packaged finally arrived. After ripping and tearing the cardboard box open, there she stood.  The perfect, beautiful girl that I been longing to see. Jaycee. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless, proud, in love, and so happy...with my new addition to my family. 
Jaycee (my first doll)

Never did I picture myself being so crazily in love with her as much as I was and little did I know, that my doll addiction and passion would continue. Over the course of the next few years, I collected 4 more dolls, Emma, Jaron, Chrissa {who I renamed Kendall}, and Paisley. To read more about each of my little girls, visit here!
In order- Jaron, Kendall, Paisley, Jaycee, and Emma 
When I'm not blogging, I'm hanging with my beautiful girls, beautifying them, changing them, fixing up their hair, going on adventures, taking photos, and completing DIY's, crafts, and activities with them. I absolutely love nothing more than to be spending time with my little family. I hope to be adding all sorts of craft, DIY, hair and care tips, as well as adventure forums to the blog. If you have specific requests on a forum or any questions, feel free to shoot us an email, or leave a comment on the blog! Thanks again for stopping by and checking us out! You're support, love, and comments are what keep us coming back to blog some more! I hope you enjoy and love the blog as much as we do writing it. 


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