Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tricks & Tips Tuesdays: Tips on Taking Care of Hair

Hello doll lovers! Welcome to Tricks & Tips Tuesdays! Even though Fridays are Hairstyle Fridays, where we discuss the various styles to make on your doll's hair, today, I will be  pouring you with all sorts of tips on how to make sure your doll's hair is looking it's absolute finest!

Just like us, AG dolls have hair that needs to be properly kept and maintained on a regular basis. To help your doll's hair remain in high maintenance, I would always suggest washing your hands before messing with your doll's hair {or even handling her}. Why? Whether you're coming in from a play outside or a walk in the park, your hands are home to many germs, oils, and dirt! Ew..yuck! As a doll mommy, I'm sure you wouldn't want any of that on her body or in her beautiful locks, now would you? Of course not! By washing your hands, you are doing your doll a favor, keeping her CLEANER!

There are two essential items for brushing your doll's hair:
1. Doll Wire Hairbrush- This brush from the AG official website, is what we recommend to comb and style your doll's hair for beautiful, lustrous locks. It has a sturdy wooden handle and wire bristles that won't make your doll's hair frizzy! This brush can be found on the American Girl website for $8!

2. Misting Bottle- No matter what kind or where you get it from, any regular misting bottle will be just fine to do the job. These type of bottles are great for getting your doll's hair slightly wet when brushing it.

Once you have these two items, you are ready to start brushing your doll's hair! You never want to use ANY other type of brush besides the American Girl brush listed above. Using other brushes can result in loss of hair, ripping, and damage to your doll's sensitive head.

I recommend brushing your doll's hair daily to prevent it from getting tangled and frizzy. For best results, use your misting bottle to spray/mist your doll's hair lightly before brushing it. Getting your doll's hair slightly damp is okay. Getting it soaking wet isn't- so don't overdue it. Use just enough water so that her hair is easier to work with. Reminder: Never get water in your doll's eyes- they can rust! I always make sure to cover my doll's eyes when I'm spraying their hair, just to be on the safe side.

Once you have sprayed her hair, then you can start brushing it. Always brush small sections at a time, starting at the bottom and working your way to the top of her head, making sure to get all tangles out. Be careful and don't pull too hard. Pulling too hard could cause your little girl's head to loosen. Make sure you have a firm hold on your doll by sitting her in between your legs or having someone hold her while you brush.

Your doll does NOT have human hair. In that case, never put mousse, hairspray, shampoo, conditioner, tangle free liquids, foam, or any other chemicals on your doll's hair. These items can damage your doll's hair in the long run rather than help it. Water is the best product to use on your doll's hair as recommended by American Girl.

Never use a blow dryer, a curling iron, hot rollers, or a straightening iron on your doll's hair, unless you want to dry, stiffen, frizz, or even melt your doll's lovely locks. Yikes! The fibers are made of a special acrylic, according to American Girl, and when those products are used on your doll's hair, they can result in severe damage. American Girl has other fun and safe alternatives to curling and styling your doll's hair such as perm rods, which can be found in this kit.

Your doll's hair maintenance is just as important as your own. By following these simple tips, your doll will be looking like a star, all the time. I hope you have enjoyed our Tricks & Tips Tuesdays! Stay tuned tomorrow for an all new post- Doll Care Wednesdays! Happy styling!

We Are AG Team

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